
古装剧 英国 2011


时间:2024-04-28 19:41:02


《密码破译者布莱切利庄园的幕后英雄免费下载》影片故事情节,跌宕起伏,扣人心弦,是一部值得古装剧迷们观看的绝佳影视作品。 Documentary that reveals the secret story behind one of the greatest intellectual feats of World War II, a feat that gave birth to the digital age. In 1943, a 24-year-old maths student and a GPO engineer combined to hack into Hitler's personal super-code machine - not Enigma but an even tougher system, which he called his 'secrets writer'. Their break turned the Battle of Kursk, powered the D-day landings and orchestrated the end of the conflict in Europe. But it was also to be used during the Cold War - which meant both men's achievements were hushed up and never officially recognised.满宝家里则没多少需要她愁心的,她只需要收拾好自己带的东西,但她的东西很少,带回来的多,需要带到京城的却只有随身带的几本册子和医书罢了,衣服也只有那么几套而已。69045402影院免费提供,古装剧《密码破译者布莱切利庄园的幕后英雄免费下载》全集在线观看服务。


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