看護婦日記 獣じみた午後国语中字

喜剧片 日本 1982

主演:風間舞子 美保純 川村真樹 山地美貴 江角英 白山英雄 村尾幸三

时间:2024-04-23 20:33:21


《看護婦日記 獣じみた午後国语中字》影片故事情节,跌宕起伏,扣人心弦,是一部值得喜剧片迷们观看的绝佳影视作品。 而魔改俊翔的队伍则是接受了一个守卫仓库矿区的小任务,光明正大的进入矿区巡场踩点。至于在哪里暗杀这种技术性极强事情大飞就不去费神了,就让血薇公会这些职业玩家去分析计算吧。A doctor develops a new scientific breakthrough in female psychotherapy with the discovery of the “Dream Ring,” a device that is inserted into a woman to record her thoughts and dreams. But, one dark and stormy night, the doctor and his assistant end up dead… hanging by ropes from the rafters of their lab. The lovely Reiko suffers from a condition known as “genophobia” (the fear of sexual intercourse), so she is admitted to the Tachibana Clinic for observation. Another group of doctors have the “Dream Ring” device and use it on Reiko to analyze her wildly erotic, and violent, dreams and nightmares. The clinic doctors have more sinister reasons to test this device on Reiko, however, and secretly put her under hypnosis so that the ring is activated at any time she hears the sound of a bell. Can she escape the evil doctors’ experiment and, even if she does, who is that strange person, dressed all in black, following her around?69045402影院免费提供,喜剧片《看護婦日記 獣じみた午後国语中字》全集在线观看服务。


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